Dr. Christine Garvey D.C. has been receiving Chiropractic care since 1988. She found that years of trying multiple techniques and learning all techniques in Chiropractic colleges she had her chronic issues still. When she discovered a Dr. John Donofrio, DC, the president of Chiropractic Neurology in US. She finally received the corrective care that has relieved her chronic issues. She has dedicated her practice to providing this cutting edge approach to help as many people as possible in her practices in his honor and memory.
A Balanced Brain Balances the Body
Brain-Based Care marks the latest treatment of postural balancing, pain syndromes, sleep and fatigue, energy production and vertigo/balance problems. This approach works by putting the brain back in charge of controlling the nerve impulses of the sensory and motor malfunctioning that contributes to a host of problems including MANY TYPES OF SENSITIVITIES, Chronic misalignments/subluxations, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Obesity, Depression, Dizziness, Stress, Anxiety, Low Energy, Neurotransmitter and Mitochondrial dysfunction and other brain and cognitive impairments.
Brain Based Care
The Brain Stem regulates the Cranial Nerves, which are responsible for our senses of sight and smell, hearing and balance, facial sensation and control. Cranial Nerve X (10) is the Vagus Nerve, also called the Buddha nerve or Wandering nerve, innervates all of our vital organs including Heart, Stomach, Liver, Intestines, Spleen and Adrenals. This important connection makes the upper cervical spine capable of disrupting everything from dizziness to digestion. When the Cortex receives insufficient input from the Cerebellum it becomes incapable of properly controlling functions. The uncontrolled overactive brain then creates imbalances in Cranial nerve functions which can cause dizziness, inner ear problems and sound distortion, sleep problems, digestion problems including IBS and IBD, heart arrhythmias, systemic pain and fatigue, photophobia (sensitivity to light), as well as many types of sensitivities.
Vagal Tone of Nervous System
How’s your Vagal Tone? Vagal tone “reads” the gut biome, initiating a response that modulates inflammation depending on whether or not it detects pathogenic or non-pathogenic organisms. The gut microbiome affects your mood, stress, and overall inflammation in this way.
Symptoms of processing problems are apart of communication issues between and within the hemispheres of the brain. This connectivity issue is an imbalance in hemispheric brain communication, which is the root of many learning, health, body, postural, functional and developmental issues. Dr. Christine Garvey, D.C. combine individually customized sensory-motor and cognitive activities that improve hemispheric brain connectivity. Dr. Garvey also address nutritional imbalances to focus on the importance of a healthy diet contributing to optimal brain and body function.
Vagus nerve (CN X) main way of communication between brain and gut. 80-90% from gut to brain communication. The Vagus nerve is also in charge of relaxing you after stressful situations.
Vagal Tone is the key activator to the parasympathetic nervous system. Simple vagal tone practices create a large impact on your body’s inflammation, inflammatory response, and your general overall health.
Low vagal tone can impact health and contribute to:
● Allergies
● Mental health issues
● Dysglycemia (blood sugar rollercoaster”)
● Digestive issues
● Autism
● Migraines
● Diabetes
● Cardiovascular Conditions/Stroke
● Alcoholism
● “Leaky Gut” aka Intestinal Hyperpermeability
● Heart Disease
● Fatigue
● Autoimmune Diseases
● Acid Relux (gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD)
● Decreased digestion and nutritional deficiencies
● Changes to heart rate and blood pressure
● Mood disorders – depression and anxiety
● Fatigue
● Brain fog
● Hoarseness, wheezing, or loss of voice
● Insulin dysregulation
● Dizziness or fainting
● Difficulty swallowing or loss of gag reflex
High Vagal Tone
● Improves the function of many of the body’s systems.
● Better blood sugar regulation
● Decreases risk of heart diseases
● Reduces migraines
● Improves digestion
● Improves mood
● Improves fatigue
The Brain Stem regulates the Cranial Nerves, which are responsible for our senses of sight and smell, hearing and balance, facial sensation and control. Cranial Nerve X (10) is the Vagus Nerve, also called the Buddha nerve or Wandering nerve, innervates all of our vital organs including Heart, Stomach, Liver, Intestines, Spleen and Adrenals. This important connection makes the upper cervical spine capable of disrupting everything from dizziness to digestion.
When the Cortex receives insufficient input from the Cerebellum it becomes incapable of properly controlling functions. The uncontrolled overactive brain then creates imbalances in Cranial nerve functions which can cause dizziness, inner ear problems and sound distortion, sleep problems, digestion problems including IBS and IBD, heart arrhythmias, systemic pain and fatigue, photophobia (sensitivity to light), as well as many types of SENSITIVITIES. Dr. Garvey addresses the root cause of the patient to bring to balance and function in the quickest amount of time with her Vagal Tone Rehabilitation Program.
Vagal Tone Rehabilitation Program combines individually, customized sensory-motor and cognitive activities to improve hemispheric brain connectivity. Dr. Garvey’s holistic, whole body sensory and motor approach also addresses nutritional imbalances with a focus on the importance of other root causes by addressing functional nutrition with a healthy diet to contribute to optimal brain and body function. Dr. Garvey has implemented the #1 ROOT CAUSE that is so often overlooked primary nervous system connection to the brain-body connection. Of course other functional medicine practitioners are addressing the root cause but Dr. Garvey’s years of expertise in brain-gut balancing of entire nervous system that is regulating EVERY ORGAN SYSTEM in the body is THE MISSING PIECE that many folks have never addressed. If you tried everything from every EXPERT and you still aren’t where you want to me, discover the missing piece of the puzzle with Dr. Garvey’s approach of balancing Hemisphericity of the Brain and Vagus Nerve.
Brain and Body Balancing addresses the #1ROOTCAUSE.