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Children LOVE seeing NJ’s Favorite Kids Doc at

 Allergy Breakthrough Center

Dr. Christine Garvey, DC

Many children are affected by allergy symptoms.  ABC methods allow us to identify stimuli and/or substances and to treat the symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities.

This holistic approach is safe, non-invasive, painless, requires NO needles, NO skin-prick or scratch tests, NO medications and NO avoidance.  We treat children of all ages, including infants.


Skin conditions in children:

Eczema, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, hives (Urticaria), rashes, and psoriasis.

Common skin symptoms:

Itchy, raised, red, inflamed, crusting, flaking, weeping, oozing, dry, irritated, swollen, bumpy, prickly and blistering.

Can eczema be related to food?

Food has been found to be a consistent factor in thousands of cases of eczema. My eczema was completely food related. With the AAT technology we can determine which foods the child is reacting to and provide a treatment during their first visit.

Common foods that contribute to their symptoms are wheat, dairy, sugar, vegetables and spices.


Respiratory conditions in children:

Pet allergies, seasonal allergies, hay fever, asthma, allergy induced asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and sinus headaches.

Common respiratory symptoms:

Asthma, cough, night cough, tight chest, shortness of breath, wheezing, sneezing, itchy throat, sore throat, runny nose, itchy nose, red eyes and hay fever.

Does your child have allergies?

  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Rubbing eyes
  • Rubbing nose
  • Rubbing ears
  • Red eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Symptoms worse in the morning
  • Symptoms worse during the night
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep


Common digestive symptoms:

Stomach aches, cramping, pain, bloated abdomen,

Constipation, diarrhea, incomplete bowel movements, nausea, Colic, gas, reflux, bad breath, vomiting and heartburn.

Does your child have food allergies?

  • Complains of tummy aches or pain after eating or often
  • Tummy is round and firm, “bloating”
  • Loose stools, especially after eating
  • Irritable after eating or increased irritability during the day
  • Hyperactivity or mood disturbances after eating or duringthe day
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Skin rashes


Behavioral conditions in children:

Many children display some common symptoms associated with food sensitivities. Your child does not have to be diagnosed with a behavioral disorder to benefit from these treatments.

My goal is to help as many children possible. I want children to be happy and free and to function at their optimum levels.  The ability to be free and eat and touch and breathe without an unnecessary overreaction is my mission. We have seen consistent clinical results in this area by treating food substances as well as airborne and stimuli that were contributing to various behavioral symptoms.

We address symptoms associated with conditions like ADD, ADHD and other behavioral conditions; however, we do not treat the condition directly.

Behavioral conditions:

ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder, etc.

Common behavioral symptoms:

  • ADD, ADHD, Difficulty focusing, listening and concentrating
  • Listening and following direction or sitting still
  • ODD, Defiant, irritable, sleepy, fatigue
  • Hyperactivity, moodiness
  • Bedwetting, temper tantrums
  • Learning and comprehension difficulties

According to the CDC:

Eight foods or food groups account for 90% of serious allergic reactions in the United States: milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, wheat, soy, peanuts, and tree nuts.

Symptoms of Food Allergy in Children (According to the CDC):

Symptoms Communicated by Children with Food Allergies4

  • It feels like something is poking my tongue.
  • My tongue (or mouth) is tingling (or burning).
  • My tongue (or mouth) itches.
  • My tongue feels like there is hair on it.
  • My mouth feels funny.
  • There’s a frog in my throat; there’s something stuck in my throat.
  • My tongue feels full (or heavy).
  • My lips feel tight.
  • It feels like there are bugs in there (to describe itchy ears).
  • It (my throat) feels thick.
  • It feels like a bump is on the back of my tongue (throat).

The severity and symptoms of allergic reactions to food can be different between individuals, and can also be different for one person over time. Anaphylaxis is a sudden and severe allergic reaction that may cause death. Not all allergic reactions will develop into anaphylaxis.  AAT does not treat cases of anaphylaxis.[/vc_column_text]