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Brain and Body Balancing

Chiropractic Brain and Body Balancing Care is a cutting edge treatment for treating complex issues.
A Balanced Brain Does a Much Better Job at Running the Body

Brain-Based Care marks the latest in specific diagnosis and treatment of pain syndromes, sleep and fatigue, energy production and vertigo/balance disorders.
This revolutionary work puts the brain back in charge of controlling the runaway impulses of brain stem malfunctioning which contributes to a host of modern illnesses including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Obesity, Depression, Dizziness, misinterpretation of our surroundings and other brain impairments.

The Anatomy of Brain-Based Care

Signals from the human body are delivered from the initial receptors of touch, sight, smell, pressure sense, taste, nociception(pain), balance, proprioception(positioning) and temperature to the spinal nerve roots and on to the spinal cord where they are delivered to the lower part of the brain called the Cerebellum.
The brain is fed by these important signals and develops its response to the environment based on the information they convey.
The Cerebellum was once thought to coordinate movement. We now know that the Cerebellum controls all impulses including emotions and thought. The signals are transmitted to the Brain Cortex where it provides an increase in the frequency of firing which helps keep the brain viable and healthy. Without this stimulation the brain loses its ability to actively control primal functions regulating everything from breathing to pain regulation.

It is these Brain Stem malfunctions which cause many of the symptoms prevalent in the chronic and acute syndromes prevalent in modern medical failures.

The Brain Stem regulates the Cranial Nerves which are responsible for our senses of sight and smell, hearing and balance, facial sensation and control. Cranial Nerve 10 is the Vagus Nerve, also called the Buddha nerve or Wandering nerve, which innervates all of our vital organs including Heart, Stomach, Liver, Intestines, Spleen and Adrenals. This important connection makes the upper cervical spine capable of disrupting everything from dizziness to digestion.
 When the Cortex receives insufficient input from the Cerebellum it becomes incapable of properly controlling the brainstem functions. The uncontrolled overactive Mesencephalon then creates imbalances in Cranial nerve function which can cause Photophobia (sensitivity to light), Dizziness, Inner Ear Pressure and Sound Distortion, Problems with Sleep, Digestion difficulties including IBS and IBD, Heart Arrhythmias, Systemic Pain and Fatigue as well as many types of sensitivities.

Key Points of Brain-Based Care

The brain is dependent on input from the body and the other parts of the brain itself to maintain a sufficient level of neural activity for healthy brain function.
A decrease in the Frequency of Firing can prevent the normal control of the more primitive brain function.
Plasticity, or the brains ability to learn, is increased by increasing the frequency of firing to the specific pathways.
Clinically, Frequency of Firing is increased by providing Fuel and Activation in the form of specific paths of stimulation, exercise and oxygen.
Brain-based care concentrates on locating paths which are creating these imbalances. The assessment is designed to locate Cerebellar Imbalances first and Cortical Imbalances as work continues.
 By specifically firing the pathways that have deficient signals balanced function is restored.
Brain-based care can increase the body’s ability to heal itself by specifically diagnosing and reversing neuroplasticity impairment.
We view symptoms of processing disorders as part of an underlying neurodevelopmental condition caused by communication issues between and within the hemispheres of the brain. This connectivity issue is referred to as functional disconnection syndrome, an imbalance in hemispheric brain communication that is at the root of many learning and developmental issues.
Once we gain an understanding of your ability to process sensory input through our Comprehensive Assessment, we determine which brain processes need strengthening. We combine individually customized sensory-motor and cognitive activities that improve hemispheric brain connectivity leading to new neural connections and the reduction or elimination of behavioral symptoms associated with processing disorders. In addition, our nutritional guidelines are supported by published research that underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy diet to help achieve optimal brain and body function.